Precipice of War Role-Play Wiki

"... Early in the evening and the town was already lit up in full glitz and glamor mode. He was a Sun City native, his dad an original city councilman back when the town was first incorporated. He remembered it as a sleepy desert town forty years ago and now it was the booming pleasure capital of America and Roderick loved every bit of it. This town was America right down to its core. Bright lights and the hope, the prospect that anybody could get lucky and hit it big. Like most of America, it was bullshit. The game was rigged and the house always won in the end. To Roderick, there was nothing more American than that."

Byrd Man, RP Post

Sun City is a municipal area in the American Southwest. Located on the Arizona/California border, Sun City is the gambling capital of the nation. Over a dozen casinos are scattered around the city. The most glamorous and prominent of those casinos sit on the Sun City Strip, the large thoroughfare that runs west to east through the city.

Founded in the late 1800's, the small town served as a stop in the desert for travelers heading west to California. Saloons and brothels filled the main street of the town, promising an oasis of sin in the middle of the desert. Even then, the town had a reputation for rowdiness.

In 1931, Arizona passed a measure legalizing gaming in the state. After much lobbying by the delegates from Sun City, the bill to legalize gambling was passed with enough restrictions so that only Sun City would be the major town to benefit from the new law.

As the Depression faded and the United States became more prosperous, the town began to boom with an influx of tourist coming in to take their chance to make their fortune. As the tourist came, so too did the mob.

Members of the Italian Mafia sent men to establish their own casinos in the city. They soon butted heads with the descendants of the original pioneers. After a small war that saw four dead, a peace was reached. The mob was given four casinos on the strip, paying a yearly tribute to the pioneers, while the pioneers consented to mob rule in the city.

Twenty years after the war and the city thrives under Mafia rule. Criminals, cops, and politicians all cohabitate in the messy web of criminal enterprise that has become Sun City. It's a place where a fortune can be won, but at the cost of your soul.
